Welcome to the official website of the Glottodrama Academy©
the European network of institutions that promotes the diffusion of Glottodrama, an innovative method for teaching foreign languages through Drama, developed with the support from the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission.
Glottodrama Projects have been awarded twice, in 2010 and 2014, with the European Label for Languages.

Glottodrama gives the teacher a new perspective regarding the learning objectives; the use of body and space allows students to take possession of the language and to use it quickly, it also stimulates their personal reflection.
The humanistic-affective approach of teachers toward students creates a fluid learning environment, open to effective communication.
This context of “teaching-learning” facilitates the possibility for the student to encode his life, feelings and sensations by using directly the L2 and helps him to remove his affective filters.
In my opinion, Glottodrama course has been very useful for students in the pilot class. It helped them to acquire a higher confidence in the use of the Italian language, also in those cases where there was a certain shyness at the beginning.